best hisa etf canada

Best High Yielding HISA ETFs Canada 2024

Looking for a safe and reliable way to grow your savings? Look no further than High-Interest Savings Account (HISA) ETFs in Canada! These innovative investment vehicles offer the perfect balance of security and high returns, making them an ideal choice for savvy investors. Whether you’re saving up for a down payment on your dream home or planning for retirement, HISA ETFs can help you reach your financial goals faster. In this blog post, we’ll explore what HISA ETFs are, their benefits, and the top 6 best high-yielding options available in Canada for 2024. Get ready to make your money work harder with these top-notch investments!

What is a HISA ETF?

What is a HISA ETFA HISA ETF, or High-Interest Savings Account Exchange-Traded Fund, combines the benefits of a traditional savings account with the flexibility and potential for higher returns offered by an ETF. Think of it as a bundle of high-yield savings accounts packaged into one investment. These funds invest in short-term debt securities like government and corporate bonds, generating interest income over time. This interest is then passed on to investors through regular dividend payments.

HISA ETFs are designed to provide stability and liquidity while offering attractive yields. They aim to preserve your capital while generating consistent income, making them an excellent choice for risk-averse investors who want to earn more than what traditional savings accounts can offer. With a HISA ETF, you can enjoy the convenience of investing in multiple high-yield savings accounts through a single fund, diversifying your holdings without managing individual accounts separately.

Benefits of Investing in HISA ETFs

Investing in High-Interest Savings Account (HISA) ETFs can offer a range of benefits for investors. HISA ETFs provide a high yield on your investment, allowing you to earn more interest compared to traditional savings accounts. This is especially advantageous in today’s low-interest-rate environment, where finding attractive returns can be challenging.

HISA ETFs offer the convenience of diversification. By pooling funds from multiple investors, these ETFs invest in various high-yield instruments such as money market securities and short-term bonds. This diversification helps spread risk and potentially increase the stability of your investment portfolio. Additionally, HISA ETFs are typically liquid investments that allow you to buy or sell shares on stock exchanges easily throughout the trading day.

Investing in HISA ETFs allows you to earn higher yields while maintaining flexibility and liquidity for your investment portfolio. Considering these benefits when exploring different options for growing your savings effectively and efficiently is important.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a HISA ETF in Canada

When it comes to choosing a High-Interest Savings Account (HISA) ETFs in Canada, there are several factors that investors should consider. First and foremost is the yield or interest rate offered by the ETF. Higher yields can lead to greater returns on your investment.

Another important factor to consider is the expense ratio of the HISA ETF. This refers to the annual fee charged by the fund for managing your investment. It’s important to balance a low expense ratio and a high-yielding ETF, as this will impact your overall return on investment. Investors should also evaluate factors such as liquidity, track record, and risk profile before making their decision.

 Remember, each investor has different goals and risk tolerance levels, which should be considered when selecting a HISA ETF in Canada.

Top 6 Best High Yielding HISA ETFs Canada 2024

Top 6 Best High Yielding HISA ETFs Canada 2024When it comes to investing in high-yielding HISA ETFs, Canada offers several top options for investors looking to maximize their returns. In 2024, these six HISA ETFs are the best choices available.

1. iShares Premium Money Market ETF (CMR)

The iShares Premium Money Market ETF (CMR) is one of Canada’s top high-yielding HISA ETFs. Its focus on capital preservation and stable income generation offers investors a reliable option for earning competitive yields on their savings. This ETF invests primarily in short-term money market instruments like government bonds, Treasury bills, and commercial paper, providing investors with a low-risk investment vehicle.

By investing in CMR, individuals can benefit from the stability and liquidity of money market securities while enjoying higher yields than traditional savings accounts. The fund aims to maintain a net asset value (NAV) of $10 per unit, making it an attractive choice for those looking for a safe place to park their cash without sacrificing returns. With its diversified portfolio and professional management team behind it, CMR offers investors peace of mind, knowing that their funds are being handled by experts who prioritize stability and income generation.

2. Evolve High-Interest Savings Account Fund (HISA)

Evolve High-Interest Savings Account Fund (HISA) is a top contender when it comes to high-yielding HISA ETFs in Canada. With its attractive interest rate and low management fees, it offers investors an opportunity to earn competitive returns on their cash holdings.

This HISA ETF aims to provide stable income while preserving capital by investing primarily in high-quality Canadian fixed-income securities. It offers the convenience of liquidity, allowing investors to access their funds whenever needed. Evolve High-Interest Savings Account Fund (HISA) is a reliable choice for those seeking a secure investment option with the potential for higher yields than traditional savings accounts or GICs.

3. Horizons Cash Maximizer ETF (HSAV)

Horizons Cash Maximizer ETF (HSAV) is another option for Canadian investors looking to maximize their returns with high-interest savings. With its focus on capital preservation and income generation, HSAV aims to provide stable monthly distributions while maintaining liquidity.

This ETF invests primarily in cash equivalents such as government treasury bills, commercial paper, and other short-term fixed-income securities. By doing so, it aims to generate a higher yield than traditional savings accounts without taking on excessive risk. HSAV offers convenience and flexibility by allowing investors to buy or sell units on the stock exchange anytime during market hours. It’s an attractive option for those seeking a low-risk investment vehicle that still offers competitive yields.

4. CI High-Interest Savings ETF (CSAV)

CI High-Interest Savings ETF (CSAV) is another top choice for investors looking to earn high yields on their cash investments. With its focus on providing competitive interest rates, this ETF aims to deliver stable and consistent returns.

One of the key features of CSAV is its low management fee, which helps maximize returns for investors. Additionally, it offers the convenience and flexibility of being traded on a stock exchange, allowing investors to buy or sell shares easily at any time. This makes it an attractive option for those seeking liquidity in their investment.

With CSAV, you can enjoy the benefits of a high-interest savings account while gaining exposure to a diversified portfolio of money market securities. This combination allows you to earn higher returns than traditional savings accounts without taking on excessive risk. If you’re looking for a reliable HISA ETF that offers solid performance and accessibility, CSAV could be an excellent choice for your investment strategy.

5. Purpose High-Interest Savings ETF (PSA)

Purpose High-Interest Savings ETF (PSA) is one of Canada’s top high-yielding HISA ETFs. With a focus on providing investors with competitive yields and capital preservation, PSA offers a convenient way to earn interest on your savings while maintaining liquidity.

The Purpose High-Interest Savings ETF aims to achieve its investment objectives by investing in a diversified portfolio of high-quality Canadian dollar-denominated short-term debt securities, including government and corporate bonds. This strategy allows investors to benefit from higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts, making it an attractive option for those seeking higher yields without sacrificing safety or liquidity.

6. Horizons High-Interest Savings ETF (CASH)

The Horizons High-Interest Savings ETF (CASH) is one of Canada’s top high-yielding HISA ETFs. With its focus on preserving capital and providing a competitive yield, CASH offers investors an attractive option for their cash holdings.

This ETF aims to expose investors to a diversified portfolio of high-quality Canadian dollar-denominated short-term fixed-income securities. By investing in CASH, individuals can enjoy the benefits of a savings account while potentially earning higher yields than traditional savings accounts offered by banks. So, if you’re looking for a reliable way to grow your cash reserves without taking on too much risk, the Horizons High-Interest Savings ETF (CASH) could be an excellent choice.

How to Start Investing in HISA ETFs?

How to Start Investing in HISA ETFsWhen it comes to starting your journey in investing, High-Interest Savings Account ETFs (HISA ETFs) can be a great option to consider. So how do you get started?

First, you must open an investment account with a brokerage firm that offers HISA ETFs. This will involve completing some paperwork and providing identification documents. Once your account is set up, you can transfer funds into the account from your bank or other sources. You can start researching and selecting the best HISA ETF for your investment goals. It’s important to review factors such as fees, performance history, and the fund’s underlying assets before making a decision.

Investing in HISA ETFs doesn’t have to be complicated or intimidating. By following these steps and doing thorough research, you can confidently embark on your journey towards potentially higher yields with these investment vehicles!

HISA ETFs vs. GICs: What’s the Difference?

HISA ETFs and GICs are popular investment options in Canada but have some key differences. HISA ETFs offer more flexibility compared to GICs. With a HISA ETF, you can buy and sell units on the stock exchange during market hours. This means you can access your funds whenever you need them. On the other hand, GICs lock your money away for a fixed period, usually ranging from 1 to 5 years. Once invested in a GIC, you cannot withdraw your funds until maturity without facing penalties.

When it comes to returns, HISA ETFs tend to offer higher yields than GICs. While GIC rates are typically fixed for the entire investment term and can be lower due to their long-term nature, HISA ETF yields are variable and often tied to prevailing interest rates. As interest rates rise or fall over time, so will your HISA ETF investment yield.

Choosing a HISA ETF or a GIC depends on your financial goals and risk tolerance. If liquidity and potential for higher returns outweigh the need for guaranteed income with less flexibility in accessing funds offered by traditional savings vehicles like GICs – then investing in high-interest savings account (HSA) based exchange-traded funds (ETF) might be worth exploring!

Are High-interest Savings ETFs Worth the Fees?

Investing in high-interest savings ETFs can be attractive for those looking to maximize their returns. However, it’s important to consider whether the fees associated with these investments are worth it. While high-interest savings ETFs may offer higher yields than traditional savings accounts, they typically come with management fees that can affect your overall returns.

It’s important to carefully evaluate the fees of each high-interest savings ETF and compare them against potential gains. Remember that even a small difference in fees can significantly impact your long-term investment performance. Additionally, consider factors such as the fund’s track record and ability to consistently generate high yields before deciding. Determining if high-interest savings ETFs are worth the fees depends on your financial goals and risk tolerance.

How Do HISA ETFs Provide High Yields?

HISA ETFs provide high yields through a combination of factors. These funds invest in short-term fixed-income securities such as government bonds and corporate debt with relatively higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts. This allows them to generate more income for investors.

HISA ETFs often utilize active management or yield optimization techniques to maximize returns. Fund managers may actively monitor the market and adjust the portfolio composition accordingly, seeking opportunities for higher yields.

By diversifying across different types of fixed-income securities and actively managing the portfolio, HISA ETFs aim to provide investors with attractive yields that can potentially outperform standard savings accounts or other low-risk investments. It’s important to note that while HISA ETFs offer higher yields than regular savings accounts, they also come with some risk associated with investing in fixed-income securities.

Tips for Maximizing Returns From HISA ETFs

Tips for Maximizing Returns From HISA ETFsWhen it comes to maximizing returns from HISA ETFs, there are a few tips that can help you make the most of your investment. First and foremost, it’s important to research and choose the right HISA ETF for your financial goals. Look for funds with consistently high yields and low expense ratios.

Another tip is to take advantage of promotional offers or bonuses when opening an account with a specific HISA ETF provider. These incentives can help boost your returns in the short term. Additionally, consider reinvesting any interest earned back into the fund to compound your earnings over time.

Remember, while HISA ETFs offer higher yields than traditional savings accounts, they still come with some risk. It’s important to assess your risk tolerance and diversify your investments accordingly. By following these tips, you can maximize returns from HISA ETFs and potentially achieve greater financial growth over time!


In conclusion, high-yielding HISA ETFs in Canada can be a great addition to any investment portfolio. The options listed above offer attractive yields and potential for growth over the next few years. However, doing your own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions is important. With careful consideration and proper management, these ETFs can give investors stable returns and help them achieve their financial goals by 2024.

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