cra certificate of clearance

How to Get a CRA Clearance Certificate?

Are you looking to obtain a CRA Clearance Certificate? Whether you’re starting a new job, applying for a government contract, or simply want to ensure your financial records are in order, having this certificate can make all the difference. But what exactly is a CRA Clearance Certificate, and why do you need one? In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of obtaining this important document step by step. We’ll also provide helpful tips to ensure a smooth application experience. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can easily get your hands on that coveted CRA Clearance Certificate!

What is a CRA Clearance Certificate?

What is a CRA Clearance CertificateA CRA Clearance Certificate, also known as a Certificate of Compliance, is an official document issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). It proves you have met all your tax obligations and have no outstanding debts or liabilities. This certificate essentially confirms your compliance with Canadian tax laws. It showcases your financial integrity and reliability, making it highly valuable in various situations.

Whether you’re applying for government contracts, seeking employment in sensitive positions, or involved in international business transactions, having a CRA Clearance Certificate can assure others about your financial standing. It demonstrates that you are a trustworthy individual or organization with a clean tax record. Obtaining this certificate is crucial for building credibility and ensuring smooth operations when dealing with governmental entities and potential partners.

Why Do I Need a CRA Clearance Certificate?

A CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) Clearance Certificate is an essential document that individuals may require for various reasons. If you are planning to sell your property, the buyer’s lawyer might request this certificate to ensure there are no outstanding tax liabilities. If you intend to become a director or officer of a corporation, certain government agencies may ask for this certificate as part of their due diligence process. Having a CRA Clearance Certificate can provide peace of mind and help facilitate smooth transactions in various legal and financial matters.

In addition to these situations, obtaining a CRA Clearance Certificate can be beneficial when applying for loans or mortgages. Lenders often want assurance that potential borrowers have met their tax obligations before granting them funds. Similarly, suppose you plan to emigrate from Canada permanently or temporarily relocate abroad. In that case, immigration authorities in some countries may require this certificate as proof of your good standing with the Canadian tax system.

Who is Eligible for a CRA Clearance Certificate?

Who is Eligible for a CRA Clearance CertificateYou must meet certain eligibility criteria to obtain a CRA clearance certificate. This certificate is primarily intended for individuals who are planning to emigrate or leave Canada and want proof that they have met their tax obligations. It can also be obtained by real estates, trusts, corporations, and partnerships that wish to confirm their tax status.

Individuals who have filed all their required tax returns and paid any outstanding taxes owed are eligible to apply for a CRA clearance certificate. Similarly, businesses must fulfil all their tax obligations before applying. By obtaining this certificate, you can demonstrate your compliance with Canadian tax laws when dealing with financial institutions or government agencies abroad.

Remember, meeting the eligibility requirements is crucial in successfully acquiring your CRA clearance certificate.

What Documents Do I Need to Apply for a CRA Clearance Certificate?

You must gather some important documents to apply for a CRA Clearance Certificate. These documents are necessary to verify your identity and provide the necessary information for the application process. Here is a list of the documents you will need:

1. Proof of identity: You must provide a valid government-issued identification document such as a passport or driver’s license.

2. Social Insurance Number (SIN): The CRA requires your SIN card to process your application.

3. Employment history: You may be asked to provide documentation that outlines your employment history, including details such as job titles, dates of employment, and employer contact information.

4.Personal tax returns: You will likely be required to submit copies of your tax returns for the past several years.

5. Business registration documents (if applicable): If you are applying on behalf of a business or organization, you may need to provide relevant registration documents such as articles of incorporation or partnership agreements.

Remember, it is important to carefully review all requirements and gather the necessary documents before submitting your application for a CRA Clearance Certificate.

How Can I Apply for a CRA Clearance Certificate?

How Can I Apply for a CRA Clearance CertificateYou have three options to apply for a CRA clearance certificate: online application, mail application, or fax application. The online application is the most convenient and efficient method. You can easily access the CRA website and fill out the necessary forms. Make sure to double-check all the information before submitting your application.

1. Online Application

Applying for a CRA Clearance Certificate online is a convenient and efficient option. It allows you to complete the process from the comfort of your home or office without visiting a physical location. To begin your online application, visit the official website of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Look for the section dedicated to clearance certificates and click on the link provided. You will be guided through a series of steps where you will need to provide personal information, details about your tax history, and any other relevant documentation.

The online application form is designed to be user-friendly and straightforward. It prompts you with specific questions and provides clear instructions on the required information. Review all entries before submitting your application, as errors or omissions may delay processing times. Once submitted, you will receive confirmation that the CRA has received your application. Keep in mind that additional documents may be requested during the processing period, so it’s essential to monitor any communication from the CRA regarding your clearance certificate application.

2. Mail Application

To apply for a CRA Clearance Certificate through the mail, follow these simple steps. First, download and fill out the RC518 form from the Canada Revenue Agency website. Make sure to provide all required information accurately.

Once you have completed the form, gather any necessary supporting documents, such as identification and proof of residence. Double-check everything is in order before placing them in an envelope along with your application form. Don’t forget to include any applicable fees or payment information if required. Then, seal the envelope securely and send it to the designated mailing address provided by the CRA.

3. Fax Application

If you prefer to submit your application through fax, the process is simple and convenient. First, ensure you have all the necessary documents, including the completed Form RC59. Then, send your application to the designated fax number provided by CRA.

Ensure that you provide clear and legible copies of all supporting documents. It’s important to double-check that everything is in order before hitting that send button. Once CRA has received your fax, they will begin processing your application and notify you of any additional steps or information required.

Remember to keep a copy of your fax confirmation as proof of submission. If there are any issues or delays with your application, you can easily follow up with CRA for assistance.

Don’t forget – applying for a CRA clearance certificate via fax is just one option!

How Long Does It Take to Process a CRA Clearance Certificate Application?

Applicants for a CRA Clearance Certificate often wonder how long it takes to process their application. The processing time can vary depending on various factors, such as the volume of applications received by the CRA and the completeness of the submitted documents.

Typically, the CRA takes approximately 30 days to process a clearance certificate application. However, it is important to note that this is just an estimate, and the processing time may be shorter or longer. To ensure a smooth and timely application processing, submit all required documents accurately and promptly respond to any additional requests from the CRA. Rest assured that once your application has been processed, you will receive your CRA Clearance Certificate in due course!

Tips for a Smooth Application Experience

Tips for a Smooth Application ExperienceWhen applying for a CRA Clearance Certificate, some tips can help ensure a smooth and efficient process. It’s important to gather all the necessary documents before starting the application. This includes your social insurance number, valid identification, and supporting documentation related to your tax obligations.

Once you have all the required documents in order, it’s time to consider the application method that best suits your needs. The online application option is fast and convenient, allowing you to submit your information electronically. Alternatively, you can also apply by mail or fax if you prefer traditional methods. Whichever method you choose, carefully follow the instructions provided by the CRA to avoid any delays or errors in your application.

Remember these tips, as they will greatly contribute towards a smooth experience when applying for a CRA Clearance Certificate!


Obtaining a CRA Clearance Certificate is an important step for individuals or businesses who must demonstrate compliance with tax laws and regulations. Whether you are applying for a job, seeking government contracts, or simply want peace of mind knowing that your financial affairs are in order, having this certificate can be beneficial.

To ensure a smooth application process, meet the eligibility requirements and gather all the necessary documents before applying. Consider using the online application option for faster processing time. And remember to allow ample time for the CRA to review your application and issue the clearance certificate.

By following these steps and proactively ensuring your tax obligations are met, you can obtain your CRA Clearance Certificate without unnecessary delays or complications. So don’t wait – start gathering your documents today and take the first step towards obtaining your clearance certificate from the Canada Revenue Agency!

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