How to Call Australia from Canada

How to Call Australia From Canada?

Staying connected with friends, family, and business associates worldwide is easier than ever. With technology advancements, making international calls has become a breeze. However, if you’re wondering how to call Australia from Canada and want to avoid confusion or mistakes, this post is for you! This article will guide you through the basics of making long-distance calls between Australia and Canada. We’ll cover everything from country codes to dialling codes and give some useful tips on avoiding common issues that could arise during your call. So let’s dive in!

What are the Basics of Calling Australia from Canada?

Before diving into the specifics of calling Australia from Canada, let’s review some basic information. First, it’s important to know that Australia is in a different time zone than Canada. This means you must remember the time difference when scheduling your call.

Next, ensure you have the correct phone number for the person or business you’re trying to reach. Australian phone numbers typically start with a zero and are followed by eight digits. So dialling all nine digits is essential, even if you’re making an international call

Calling Australia from Canada

You’ll need to use both country and dialling codes to make an international call from Canada to Australia. For example, the country code for Australia is +61, while the dialling code for Canada is 011.

It’s also worth noting that international calls can be expensive depending on your service provider and plan. To avoid unexpected charges, check with your provider before making long-distance calls.

It’s always best practice to confirm time zones and availability beforehand to avoid inconveniencing anyone with untimely calls or missed connections.

What are the Country Codes and Dialing Codes for Making International Calls?

When making international calls, knowing the country codes and dialling codes of the destination country is essential. For example, to call Australia from Canada, enter the code “+61” before dialling the Australian phone number.

The “+” symbol indicates that you are making an international call. It can be typed by pressing and holding down the “0” key on your phone’s keypad.

Apart from this, Canada also has its exit code, which must be dialled before entering any international number. This code is “011”. Therefore, when calling Australia from Canada, dial 011, followed by +61 and then enter the Australian phone number.

It’s important to note that different countries have different international call exit codes and dialling procedures. Hence it’s always better to check with your service provider or research online before attempting an overseas call.

Now that you know about country and dialling codes, let’s move on to how exactly we can make an International Call.

How to Call Australia from Canada?

Making international calls can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. For example, if you’re in Canada and need to call someone in Australia, you should follow a few simple steps to make the process as smooth as possible.

Firstly, ensure that you have the correct country code for Australia. For example, the country code is +61. Next, look up the area or city code of the person you are trying to reach within Australia. Australian area codes consist of one or two digits followed by seven or eight more digits.

When dialling from Canada to Australia, use your phone’s keypad to input the following sequence: 011 (Canada’s exit code), +61 (Australia’s country code), then enter the area/city code (without any leading zero) and finally add a local number (including any extension).

Before making a long-distance call, you must also check with your service provider about their international calling rates. Alternatively, consider using internet-based communication services like Skype or WhatsApp, which can save on cost considerably.

Following these basic guidelines and tips when placing an international call from Canada to Australia, you can successfully connect with whoever needs Down Under!

Best Tips for Making International Calls

Making international calls is now easier than ever, thanks to modern technology. However, it’s important to remember some tips to ensure your call goes smoothly without any issues.

Firstly, make sure you have a good internet connection or mobile network signal before placing the call. This will prevent any disconnections or lag during the conversation.

Secondly, check the time difference between Canada and Australia before making the call. You don’t want to wake someone up at night or miss them because they’re already asleep.

Thirdly, be aware of cultural differences that may affect your communication with your Australian contact. For example, Australians are known for their informal language and humour, so try not to take offence if they use slang terms or tease you during the conversation.

Fourthly, prepare what you want to say beforehand so that you don’t stumble over your words during the call. Write down key points if necessary.Best Tips for Making International Calls

Consider using alternative methods such as video calling apps like Skype or Whatsapp, which can offer better quality connections and even allow face-to-face conversations from thousands of miles away!

By following these simple tips, making international calls from Canada to Australia can be hassle-free and enjoyable!

Common Issues When Making International Calls

Making international calls can be a hassle, especially when encountering unexpected issues. One common problem that many people experience is poor call quality. This can result in dropped calls or difficulty understanding the person on the other end of the line.

Another issue is time zone differences. It’s important to remember that Australia is ahead of Canada by several hours, so it’s essential to check what time it is in Australia before making a call. You don’t want to wake someone up in the middle of the night!

Sometimes, technical difficulties arise while making international calls. For example, issues with your phone or network connection may cause disruptions or delays during your conversation, which is frustrating for both parties.

Additionally, calling internationally can also be expensive if you’re not careful. Research different calling plans and options beforehand to avoid being charged exorbitant fees.

Common Issues When Making International Calls

Language barriers may pose an obstacle when communicating with someone from another country. For example, if English isn’t their first language, they may have difficulty understanding you or expressing themselves clearly.

These are just a few common issues people encounter when making international calls. While some may be unavoidable, knowing them beforehand and taking necessary precautions can help your conversation go more smoothly.

Alternatives to Making Long-Distance Calls

If you are looking for alternatives to making long-distance calls, several options can help you save money on international calling rates. One of the most popular alternatives is messaging apps or social media platforms offering voice and video call services.

Apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype, and Viber allow users to make free calls over the Internet if they have a stable data connection. This option is ideal if both parties have access to these apps and a reliable internet connection.

Another alternative is purchasing an international calling card from your local phone provider or major retailers. These cards come in various denominations depending on your budget and provide cheaper rates for international calls than regular phone plans.

You could also consider using VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services such as Google Voice or Vonage, allowing users to make low-cost international calls via their computer or mobile device by converting analog signals into digital packets transmitted through the Internet.

Exploring different options before making long-distance calls can help you find cost-effective solutions while staying connected with friends and family abroad.


Calling Australia from Canada may seem like a complicated process at first, but it can be easy with the right understanding of country codes and dialling codes. Always check for additional charges or fees when making international calls and consider alternative options such as messaging apps or internet-based calling services. Following these tips and being mindful of common issues during international calls, you can easily stay connected with your friends and family in Australia without breaking the bank. Happy calling!

FAQ – How to call Australia from Canada?

1. Do you need to dial 011 for Australia?

When placing international calls, including calls from the United States to Australia, American callers typically dial the exit code, which is 011. This holds for all international calling scenarios. Therefore, when initiating an international call, such as dialling Australia from the US, the first numbers dialled by American callers are always 011.

2. What is the cheapest way to call Australia from Canada?

If you are seeking affordable options for making calls to Australia from Canada, toolani offers a cost-effective solution. With Toolani, you can take advantage of their competitive rates, allowing you to make cheap calls to Australia. For instance, calling a landline number in Australia through Toolani only costs 1.9¢ per minute, while calling a mobile number is as low as 7.9¢ per minute. Additionally, the tool provides this cost-saving service for Canada and 40 other countries where their service is available. Using Toolani, you can conveniently connect with Australia and enjoy economical calling rates.

3. How do I dial an Australian phone number?

You need to use the country code +61 to dial Australia from outside the country. In addition, when placing an international call to Australia, it’s important to omit the leading ‘0’ from the STD area code or the mobile telephone number. On the other hand, if you are calling from within Australia, the outgoing IDD access code to make international calls is 0011. These guidelines ensure proper dialling procedures when making calls to and from Australia, both internationally and domestically.

4. How do I call a 1300 number from Canada to Australia?

When making a call to Australia from overseas, you can follow this dialling sequence: Dial 001, which is the international dial-out code, followed by the country code of Australia, which is 61. Finally, enter the specific 1300 number you wish to reach. By dialling 001 + 61, you ensure your call is properly routed to Australia, allowing you to connect with the desired 1300 number.

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