management rental companies

Top 10 Management Rental Companies in Canada

Are you a landlord in Canada looking for a reliable property management company to take care of your rental properties? Look no further! We have compiled a list of Canada’s top 10 management rental companies that offer exceptional services and expertise to help manage your properties. From tenant screening to rent collection, maintenance, and more – these companies will ensure that owning rental properties is stress-free. So sit back, relax, and read on to find out which property management company suits your needs best!

List of Top 10 Management Rental Companies in Canada

1. Royal York Property Management 

Royal York Property Management Royal York Property Management is a leading property management company in Canada that offers various services to manage residential and commercial properties. With years of experience, they have maintained a solid reputation by providing exceptional customer service and expertise.

One of the key strengths of Royal York Property Management is their ability to develop customized management plans tailored to fit each client’s needs. In addition, they offer full-service property management, including tenant screening, leasing, rent collection, maintenance coordination, and financial reporting.

Their team comprises experienced professionals who work tirelessly to ensure that every aspect of your investment is managed effectively. They also provide access to online portals where clients can track their properties’ performance metrics quickly and efficiently.

Royal York Property Management has received numerous accolades for their exceptional service delivery. Their commitment to excellence sets them apart from other property management companies in Canada. So if you’re looking for reliable and professional property managers who prioritize your investment goals above all else – look no further than Royal York Property Management!


2. Hanlyn Property Management

Hanlyn Property ManagementHanlyn Property Management is a family-owned and operated business that has been serving clients for over 40 years. They specialize in property management of residential properties, including apartments, condos, townhouses, duplexes, and single-family homes.

One of the unique features of Hanlyn Property Management is their commitment to providing exceptional customer service. They have a team of experienced professionals dedicated to ensuring that tenants and property owners have a positive experience with them.

Hanlyn’s services include tenant screening, lease preparation and enforcement, rent collection and accounting, maintenance coordination and emergency repairs. They also offer online rental payment options, making it easier for tenants to pay their rent on time.

What sets Hanlyn apart from other property management companies is their focus on building long-term relationships with clients based on trust and transparency. In addition, they believe in open communication with tenants and landlords to ensure everyone’s needs are met.

Hanlyn Property Management has established itself as one of Canada’s top rental management companies due to its exceptional customer service, commitment to transparent communication with clients, and extensive range of services offered.


3. Found Spaces Inc. 

Found Spaces Inc. Found Spaces Inc. is a fantastic property management company in Canada that specializes in boutique and unique rentals. They have a keen eye for detail, which is evident from the properties they manage.

One of the most impressive things about Found Spaces Inc. is their ability to find hidden gems throughout Canada’s urban areas and transform them into stunning living spaces. From lofts with exposed brick walls to cosy apartments with skylights, Found Spaces Inc.’s portfolio is full of character-filled homes.

Found Spaces Inc.’s team understands what renters are looking for when it comes to location, amenities, and design. Their properties are located in some of the most coveted neighbourhoods in Canadian cities and offer all sorts of luxury amenities like rooftop terraces, pools, and fitness centres.

Their commitment to personalised service sets Found Spaces Inc. apart from other property management companies. They take care of everything from maintenance issues to finding new tenants while providing top-notch customer service along the way.

If you’re looking for a unique rental experience that goes beyond cookie-cutter apartment buildings, look no further than Found Spaces Inc.!


4. Welcome Home Management 

Welcome Home Management Welcome Home Management is a management rental company that has been providing exceptional services to property owners and tenants for years. One thing that sets them apart from their competitors is their commitment to customer satisfaction. They understand that owning or renting a property can be overwhelming, so they make sure to provide personalized attention and support every step of the way.

Their team consists of experienced professionals who are knowledgeable in all aspects of property management, including marketing vacancies, screening potential tenants, collecting rent payments, handling maintenance requests, and more. With Welcome Home Management by your side, you can rest assured that all aspects of your investment property will be handled professionally and professionally.

They also prioritize open communication with both landlords and renters alike. Whether answering questions promptly or addressing concerns thoroughly, Welcome Home Management goes above and beyond to ensure everyone feels heard and valued.

Suppose you’re looking for a reliable management rental company that prioritizes customer satisfaction as well as quality service delivery. In that case, Welcome Home Management should definitely be on top of your list!


5. Real Property Management Service 

Real Property Management Service Real Property Management Service is Canada’s most reliable and reputable management rental company. Their team of experts provides exceptional services to landlords across the country, making them a top choice for property owners who can easily manage their rentals.

One thing that sets Real Property Management Service apart from other management rental companies is their commitment to excellent customer service. They understand that owning a rental property can be stressful, which is why they go above and beyond to ensure that their clients are well taken care of every step of the way.

In addition, Real Property Management Service offers a wide range of services, including tenant screening, rent collection, maintenance and repairs, marketing and advertising, lease agreements and much more. This makes them an all-in-one solution for landlords who want hassle-free property management.

Moreover, Real Property Management Service has a proven track record in managing different types of properties, such as single-family homes, multi-unit buildings or commercial spaces. They have extensive experience in handling various issues related to rental properties, ensuring peace of mind for their clients.

If you’re looking for a professional team to handle your investment property’s needs effectively, do not hesitate to contact Real Property Management Service today!


6. Arthex Property Management 

Arthex Property Management Arthex Property Management is a full-service property management company that offers specialized services for residential, commercial and industrial properties in Canada. They have been in the industry for years, providing top-notch customer service to their clients.

One of the standout features of Arthex Property Management is their commitment to sustainability. They prioritize green initiatives and energy-efficient practices in all aspects of their operations. This benefits the environment and helps reduce operating costs for property owners.

Arthex’s team consists of experienced professionals who are dedicated to managing properties with utmost care and attention to detail. From tenant screening to maintenance requests, they handle every aspect of property management with efficiency and transparency.

Their online portal allows tenants and landlords to conveniently access important information related to their property at any time. Additionally, Arthex has an emergency response team available 24/7 for any urgent situations that may arise.

Arthex Property Management delivers exceptional value through sustainable practices, professional expertise, efficient operations, and excellent customer service.


7. Sawera Property Management 

Sawera Property Management Sawera Property Management is a Canadian company that has been in the rental management business for years. They specialize in managing residential properties such as apartments, condos, and houses.

One of the key strengths of Sawera Property Management is their commitment to providing excellent customer service to both landlords and tenants alike. They understand that happy tenants lead to lower turnover rates and increased profitability for landlords.

Sawera also offers a variety of property management services, including rent collection, maintenance requests, tenant screening, and more. Their experienced team ensures that all properties under their care are well-maintained and compliant with industry standards.

Another advantage of working with Sawera is their use of technology to streamline processes such as online payment systems and automated maintenance requests. This saves time and provides a convenient experience for both landlords and tenants.

Sawera Property Management’s dedication to great customer service and expertise in property management makes them an excellent choice for any landlord looking to maximize profits while minimizing stress.


8. Condo1 Property Management Inc 

Condo1 Property Management Inc Condo1 Property Management Inc is a well-known company in Canada specialising in managing condominiums. They pride themselves on their exceptional customer service and attention to detail.

One thing that sets Condo1 apart from other management companies is their commitment to technology. They have developed a custom software platform that allows them to streamline processes, increase efficiency and provide real-time updates to clients.

Condo1 also has a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing personalized service to each client. From maintenance requests to financial reporting, they work closely with condo boards and owners to meet all needs.

In addition, Condo1 offers a range of services, including rental management, insurance administration, and project management. Their goal always focuses on maximising client value while minimizing costs.

If you’re looking for a reliable and technologically advanced property management company for your condominium, look no further than Condo1 Property Management Inc.


9. Guardian Property Management Inc 

Guardian Property Management Inc Guardian Property Management Inc is a reputable property management company that specializes in providing comprehensive services to meet the needs of landlords and tenants. With years of experience, they have established themselves as one of Canada’s top-rated property management companies.

Their team comprises experienced professionals who are committed to delivering exceptional customer service. They offer a wide range of services such as tenant screening, rent collection, maintenance and repairs, lease agreements, financial reporting, etc.

Guardian Property Management Inc has a proven track record of effectively managing properties from small residential to large commercial buildings. Their expertise and commitment to transparency ensure that landlords receive maximum returns on their investments while tenants enjoy quality living spaces.

What sets Guardian Property Management apart from other companies is their focus on building strong relationships with both landlords and tenants. They understand the importance of communication when it comes to property management which makes them highly reliable and trustworthy.

Guardian Property Management Inc offers excellent value for money with unparalleled service delivery to make life easier for landlords and tenants alike.


10. Goldview Property Management 

Goldview Property Management Goldview Property Management is one of the top rental management companies in Canada. They have been providing exceptional services to their clients for years. Their commitment to customer satisfaction sets them apart from other property management companies.

They offer a wide range of services, including tenant screening, rent collection, maintenance and repairs, and financial reporting. Goldview also ensures that all properties under their management comply with local laws and regulations.

Their team consists of experienced professionals who are highly knowledgeable about the real estate market in Canada. They provide personalized solutions to meet each client’s unique needs.

Goldview’s online portal allows tenants to make payments and request maintenance services easily. This modern approach has made it easier for landlords to manage their properties remotely while maintaining high levels of customer service.

Goldview Property Management provides comprehensive property management services that cater to both landlords and tenants alike. Their dedication towards excellence makes them a top choice for anyone looking for reliable property management services in Canada.



After researching and analyzing Canada’s top 10 management rental companies, they clearly strive to provide excellent services for their clients. Choosing the right property management company is crucial for a successful rental experience, whether you’re a landlord or tenant.

Each of the ten companies highlighted in this article has unique strengths and areas of expertise. For example, Royal York Property Management offers comprehensive services for all types of properties, while Sawera Property Management specializes in managing multi-unit buildings. Hanlyn Property Management stands out with its innovative technology and exceptional customer service, while Goldview Property Management provides tailored solutions to meet each client’s needs.

When selecting a property management company, consider your specific needs as well as factors such as location, budget, and reputation. By doing thorough research and taking the time to make an informed decision, you can ensure a positive experience with your chosen management rental company.

We hope this article has been helpful in providing insight into some of the best property management options available across Canada.

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