registered nurse salary in canada

How Much is Registered Nurse Salary in Canada?

Are you passionate about helping others and considering a career in nursing? If so, you might wonder about Canada’s registered nurse salary. Whether you’re a recent graduate searching for your first job or an experienced nurse looking to relocate, this blog post covers you! We delve into the details of RN salaries across different provinces, factors affecting earning potential, and insights on maximizing your income. So grab a cup of coffee, and let’s explore just how financially and personally rewarding being a registered nurse can be in the Great White North!

Introduction to Registered Nurses and their Salaries in Canada

Introduction to Registered Nurses and their Salaries in CanadaAs a registered nurse (RN), you’ll be an important healthcare team member, providing care to patients in hospitals, clinics, homes, and other settings. RNs usually work full-time in Canada, but some work part-time or on call. RNs can also work overtime or shifts to earn extra income.

The salary of an RN can vary depending on experience, employer, location, and other factors. In general, RNs in Canada earn a good salary and enjoy good working conditions. The median annual wage for RNs in Canada is $60,000. Experience can make a big difference in earnings potential – RNs with 5 years or more experience can earn $70,000 or more annually.

There is currently a shortage of nurses in Canada, so many job opportunities are available for RNs. With a little experience, you should be able to find a job that suits your lifestyle and career goals.

Average Salary Levels Across the Country

The average salary for a registered nurse in Canada is $32.25 per hour. However, salaries vary across the country. For example, registered nurses in Alberta earn an average of $36.17 per hour, while those in Quebec earn an average of $29.27 per hour. Salaries also differ based on experience and education level. For instance, registered nurses with a bachelor’s degree earn an average of $35.72 per hour, while those with only a diploma or certificate earn an average of $31.47 per hour.

Job Opportunities for Registered Nurses in Canada

Registered nurses (RNs) are in high demand in Canada. With an ageing population and a growing number of people with chronic health conditions, the need for RNs will continue to grow. There are many job opportunities for RNs in Canada, both in traditional healthcare settings and in non-traditional settings such as home care, community health, and long-term care.

In addition to traditional hospital settings, RNs can find work in a variety of other settings, including:

  • Home care
  • Community health clinics
  • Mental health facilities
  • Long-term care facilities
  • Industry (occupational health)
  • Education (nursing schools)

RNs are versatile and skilled professionals who can fill various roles within the healthcare system. As the needs of the healthcare system change, so too do the opportunities for RNs.

How Much is Registered Nurse Salary in Canada?

The Average Salary for Registered Nurses in Each Province/territory

The Average Salary for Registered Nurses in Each Province territoryThe average salary for registered nurses in each province/territory is as follows:

  1. Alberta: $71,593 per year
  2. British Columbia: $68,122 per year
  3. Manitoba: $61,632 per year
  4. New Brunswick: $62,162 per year
  5. Newfoundland and Labrador: $64,058 per year
  6. Northwest Territories: $93,744 per year
  7. Nova Scotia: $61,464 per year
  8. Nunavut: $94,131 per year
  9. Ontario: $68,450 per year
  10. Prince Edward Island: $60,092 per year
  11. Quebec: $60,131 per year
  12. Saskatchewan: $63,280 per year
  13. Yukon Territory: $84,591 per year

Starting Salary for Those Coming Into the Profession

In Canada, the starting salary for a registered nurse is around $40,000. This may vary depending on the province in which you work and the specific hospital or health care facility. However, this approximates what you can earn as a registered nurse starting in Canada. Additionally, registered nurses in Canada have the potential to earn a great wage with experience. The average registered nurse salary in Canada is over $60,000 per year. With experience and further Education, registered nurses can earn over $100,000 annually!

Average Hourly Wages Across All Provinces/territories

Average Hourly Wages Across All Provinces territoriesAccording to the most recent data from Statistics Canada, the average hourly wage for registered nurses across all provinces and territories is $41.50. This figure represents a slight decrease from the previous year when the average hourly wage was $42.00. However, it should be noted that wages can vary significantly depending on factors such as experience, Education, and employer.

There are a number of factors that can influence how much-registered nurses are paid. One of the most important is experience. Generally, those with more experience will command higher salaries than those just starting their careers. Another important factor is Education. Registered nurses who have completed advanced degrees or specialized training will often earn more than those who have only completed a basic nursing program. Employers can also play a role in determining salary levels. For example, hospital nurses may earn more than those in private clinics or doctor’s offices.

Despite these variations, the average hourly wage for registered nurses across Canada remains relatively stable at around $41-$42 per hour. So, if you’re considering a career in nursing, you can expect to earn a good salary!

Benefits of Working as a Registered Nurse in Canada

As a registered nurse in Canada, you will enjoy a number of benefits. You can work in various settings, including hospitals, clinics, and even home care. This flexibility can allow you to tailor your career to your personal preferences and goals. Additionally, registered nurses in Canada earn a good salary and can enjoy a high standard of living. The average registered nurse salary in Canada is about $73,000 per year.

Factors That Impact Salary for Canadian Registered Nurses

Several factors can impact the salary of Canadian registered nurses (RNs). These include the nurse’s level of Education and experience, the province or territory in which they work, the type of employer, and the demand for RNs in that particular region.

RNs with bachelor’s degrees or higher tend to earn more than those with only a diploma or certificate. In addition, RNs with more years of experience tend to earn more than those just starting.

The province or territory in which an RN works can also impact their salary. For example, RNs in Alberta typically earn more than those in other provinces due to the high demand for healthcare workers in that province.

The type of employer can also affect an RN’s salary. For example, RNs working in hospitals earn more than those working in nursing homes or other long-term care facilities.

Tips For Improving Your Earnings as a Registered Nurse

There are a few key things that you can do to increase your earnings as a registered nurse in Canada:

  1. Try to get experience in a high-demand speciality area such as emergency or intensive care.
  2. Consider working in a larger hospital, which usually pays better than smaller ones.
  3. Consider pursuing further Education to become a nurse practitioner or another specialist.

Remember that your earnings will also depend on the province or territory where you work, with nurses in Ontario and Alberta typically earning the most.


Registered nurses in Canada have great job security, competitive salaries, and excellent benefits. Their salaries vary based on experience, qualifications, and location, but the average salary range is $67k to $ 87k annually. With such an attractive salary package, it is no surprise that registered nurses are highly sought after across the country. If you’re looking for a career change that’s both rewarding and fulfilling, then becoming a registered nurse might be the perfect choice for you!

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