How Do I Pay Tax Owing to CRA

When Are Taxes Due in Canada?

Tax season is upon us! It’s that time of year when Canadians gather all their financial documents, receipts, and statements in preparation for filing their taxes. But before you get too overwhelmed with paperwork, it’s important to know the due date for filing your income tax return in Canada. In this blog post, we’ll outline everything you need to know about when taxes are due in Canada and what happens if you can’t pay them on time. So grab a cup of coffee and dive into Canadian taxes!

Get Ready to Do Your Taxes

It’s that time of year again when Canadians gather all their financial documents and prepare to file their taxes. Whether you’re a first-time filer or an experienced taxpayer, getting organized is essential for a smooth tax season.

Start by collecting all your income tax slips, such as T4s from employers, T5s for investment income, and any other relevant forms indicating annual earnings. It’s also important to keep track of any expenses that might be deductible on your return, such as charitable donations or medical expenses.

Once you have gathered all your paperwork together in one place, it’s time to decide how you want to file your taxes. You can choose between doing it online with CRA-approved software or hiring a professional accountant to do everything for you.

Regardless of your choice, give yourself plenty of time before the deadline to avoid rushing through the process at the last minute. With proper preparation and organization, filing your taxes can be a breeze!

What is the Deadline for Paying Income Tax in Canada?

Taxes may not be everyone’s favourite topic, but they are a necessary part of life. As a Canadian taxpayer, knowing when your taxes are due is important to avoid penalties and interest charges.

The deadline for paying income tax in Canada is April 30 each year. This means you must file your personal income tax return with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) by this date, even if you don’t owe any taxes.

If you or your spouse or common-law partner run a business, the deadline for filing the tax return is June 15. However, any taxes owing must still be paid by April 30 to avoid late-payment penalties and interest charges.

Deadline for Paying Income Tax in Canada

It’s worth noting that if April 30 falls on a weekend or public holiday, the deadline is extended until the next business day. In other words, if April 30 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, taxpayers must file their returns until May 1 or May 2.

Now that we’ve covered when taxes are due in Canada let’s look at some of the consequences of missing this important deadline.

Has the Canadian Tax Deadline Been Extended?

The Canadian tax deadline is an important date for many taxpayers. It’s the time of year when individuals and businesses must file their income tax returns with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). In previous years, this deadline has been set for April 30. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been some changes.

In 2020, the tax filing deadline was extended to June 1 for most individuals. This extension also applied to trusts with a taxation year ending on December 31, 2019, and corporations with a filing due date after March 18 and before June 1, 2020. The payment deadline was also extended from April 30 to September 1.

Canadian Tax Deadline

For those who are self-employed or have a spouse or common-law partner who is self-employed, the deadline remained June 15 with no penalty if taxes owed were paid by September.

It’s important to note that these extensions may not apply in future years unless specifically announced by the CRA. As always, consulting with a qualified accountant or tax professional for specific advice regarding your situation is best.

How Do I Pay Tax Owing to CRA?

Knowing how to pay taxes promptly and accurately is important if you owe taxes to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Fortunately, there are several ways to make a payment.

One option is online banking. You can add “CRA” as a payee and select “tax payments” from the list of available options. Then, ensure you correctly enter your social insurance number so that CRA credits the payment properly.

Another way is via pre-authorized debit, which allows CRA to automatically withdraw funds from your bank account on a specific date each month until your balance is paid in full.

If you prefer using credit cards, you can do so by using an authorized third-party service provider at an additional cost.

If none of these methods works for you, consider sending a cheque or money order payable to the Receiver General for Canada with your tax return or remittance slip.

Whichever method works best for you, just ensure it’s done before the due date to avoid any penalties or interest charges.

Taxes Due in Canada

What Happens if I Can’t Pay My Taxes to CRA?

It can be stressful when you realize that you owe money in taxes and may be unable to pay it all at once. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) understands this, which is why they offer options to help individuals who cannot pay their full tax bill on time.

One option available is arranging a payment plan with the CRA. This allows taxpayers to make affordable monthly payments over an extended period of time until the full amount owed is paid off.

Suppose you don’t make arrangements for payment or fail to meet your agreed-upon payments under a payment plan. In that case, the CRA may take legal actions such as garnishing your wages, seizing assets or taking other collection actions against you.

It’s important to communicate with the CRA if you cannot afford your taxes. Ignoring them will only lead to further problems down the line. You can contact them directly through their collections department by phone or online portal and explain your situation.

There are options available for those who cannot fully pay their taxes. It’s always better to inform CRA of any financial difficulties rather than ignore them, which could cause bigger trouble later.

How Do I Know if I Owe Taxes to CRA?

Knowing whether you owe taxes to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) before the tax deadline is important. One way to determine if you owe any taxes is by reviewing your Notice of Assessment from last year’s tax return. This document provides all the information about your previous year’s income, deductions, and credits.

Another way to determine if you owe taxes is through CRA’s online My Account service. Logging into your account lets you view any outstanding balances or amounts owed for previous years.

If you’re unsure whether or not you have a balance owed with CRA, it’s best to reach out directly and contact them for assistance. They will be able to provide more information specific to your situation and help clarify any confusion surrounding your payment status.

Remember that failing to pay any outstanding balances on time may result in interest charges and penalties being applied by CRA. Therefore, it’s always better to stay ahead of these issues rather than wait until they become bigger problems later on down the line.

Can You Pay Taxes Owed in Installments in Canada?

If you owe taxes to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) but can’t afford to pay them all at once, don’t worry. You may be eligible to pay your taxes owed in instalments. This can provide some relief and flexibility for those who are struggling financially.

The CRA’s instalment payment plan allows taxpayers to make payments over time instead of paying everything in one lump sum. To qualify, you must owe $2,000 or more in tax debt for the current tax year or any previous year. You also need to have filed all required tax returns before applying.

Can You Pay Taxes Owed in Installments in Canada

Once you apply, you’ll need to negotiate a monthly payment with the CRA based on your financial situation. The CRA will charge interest on the unpaid balance until it is fully paid off, so it’s important not to miss any payments.

It’s worth noting that if you miss a payment or fail to comply with the terms of your agreement, the CRA can take legal action against you and even seize assets like bank accounts or property.

If paying your taxes owed in full is not feasible for you now, consider exploring instalment options with the CRA as a way to settle your outstanding debts without causing additional financial stress.

Can I Pay My Taxes With a Credit Card in Canada?

If you’re looking for a flexible way to pay your taxes in Canada, you may wonder whether using your credit card is possible. The short answer is yes – the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) does accept credit card payments for taxes owed.

However, it’s important to note that this payment method has some limitations and potential drawbacks. First and foremost, you’ll need to find a third-party service provider that accepts CRA payments via credit card.

Additionally, most providers charge a convenience fee based on the amount of tax owing – typically around 1.75% or more. This means that if you owe $10,000 in taxes and choose to pay with your credit card, you could end up paying an additional $175 or more just for the privilege.

It’s also worth remembering that even if you decide to pay by credit card, it’s always a good idea to have a backup plan in case something goes wrong. For example, if your payment is declined due to insufficient funds or other issues with your account, the CRA will still expect you to make alternative arrangements as soon as possible.

While paying taxes by credit card can offer some flexibility and convenience for those who prefer not to deal with cheques or bank transfers directly from their accounts, it’s important to weigh up all costs before making any decisions on how best to manage your finances during tax season.


Taxes are an essential part of finances for every Canadian citizen. The deadline for filing your income tax return is usually April 30, but it can be extended in certain situations. If you owe taxes to CRA and cannot pay by the due date, contact them immediately to discuss payment options or installment plans.

It’s important to stay organized throughout the year by keeping track of all income sources and expenses that may be used for potential deductions on your tax return. Utilizing tax software or hiring a professional accountant can make the process less stressful.

Remember, paying your taxes on time avoids penalties and interest charges and helps fund important services such as healthcare and education. By staying informed about when taxes are due in Canada, you can ensure you meet your obligations as a responsible taxpayer.

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